Recent Transactions

100,000 SF Flex-Industrial Property

Written by Fulton Staff | May 12, 2022

Fulton Realty Capital advised a private client on the acquisition of a single-story, multi-tenant flex-industrial property located in the Detroit MSA. Asset sourcing, CMBS financing, and all negotiations were led by Fulton’s team of real estate professionals.

The 100,000 SF multi-tenant property is situated in an in-fill location in a wealthy suburban area and is accessible via major highways and thoroughfares. It features versatile, single-story layouts with direct access to each of the suites.

Tenants include a mix of national, regional, and local companies positioned across 6 different industries, including medical, automotive, construction and manufacturing. The property was priced below replacement cost and was over 97% occupied at the time of closing, providing stable income with room for rent growth.